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AIRbezen@School is a project on air quality and particulates. By analysing leaves of strawberry plants, and by using air sensors, schools gather information about the air quality in their environment.


AIRbezen@school gathers knowledge on the spread and temporal dynamics of air quality. The project's main aim is to educate children and citizens on air quality.

AIRbezen@school focuses on schools, classes and pupils, mainly using a STEM or integrated STEM approach. Schools have a choice between active and passive participation. Schools take care of strawberry plants and analyse NO2-vials during one month, just before or after Easter. On the project's website, class groups can learn to build DIY sensors to measure air quality in and around their school. The data they gather can be added to the website, which are visualised on a map. The schools also receive an AIRbox with various leaflets and educational material on air quality. Some schools also receive a Sensorkit with extra sensors that measure air quality.

Airbezen infographic
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