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Evenementen over citizen science

ECS European Citizen Science
Workshop Webinar over data & EU.Citizen.Science platform

Dit gezamenlijk online evenement georganiseerd door het European Citizen Science (ECS) project praat over de inzichten, uitdagingen en behoeften van de CS gemeenschap op het gebied van data (infrastructuur, diensten en praktijken) en brengt dit in verband met het EU-Citizen.Science platform op 24 en 25 april 2024.

Worstel je met data analyse of visualisatie in je CS projecten? Ben je onzeker over het omgaan met kwalitatieve gegevens of de beschikbare hulpmiddelen en infrastructuur? Worstel je met data-eigendom, beleid of ethiek? Als dit je bekend in de oren klinkt, mis dan dit evenement niet! 

Het volledig programma kun je hier bekijken en registreren kun je hier.

LIBER masterclass
Workshop Citizen Science Masterclass for Library Executives

LIBER en de ECSA Academy organiseren in 2024 een Citizen Science Masterclass voor bibliotheekmanagers. Het tweedaagse programma wordt persoonlijk gehouden in Parijs van 7 tot 8 mei en nodigt 20 bibliotheekleiders uit die Citizen Science een impuls willen geven in hun instelling.

Compair webinar series
Workshop COMPAIR webinar: Inclusive, policy relevant citizen science for smart cities (1)

Citizen science – the involvement of the public in scientific research – is a form of social innovation where the power of the crowd is used to provide new insights and solutions to existing problems. In an urban setting, citizen science has been used for a variety of purposes, including to monitor environmental conditions such as air pollution and greenhouse gases. The webinar will spotlight local efforts in addressing these challenges on the example of five Citizen Science Labs established in Athens, Berlin, Flanders, Plovdiv, and Sofia. COMPAIR use cases will illustrate how a combination of inclusive stakeholder engagement and policy dialogue can turn citizen science into a powerful driver of change in policies and lifestyles.

This is the first webinar in a series of three, organised by COMPAIR to help cities unlock the science.

Compair webinar series
Workshop COMPAIR webinar: Plugging urban data gaps with citizen science (2)

Affordable sensing devices can widen and deepen air quality monitoring by targeting areas not covered by official measurements. However, low-cost sensors have been criticised for producing data of questionable quality. The webinar will explain how this issue was tackled in COMPAIR using a distant, cloud-based calibration algorithm. Another issue that can affect citizen driven air quality monitoring is network connectivity. Some low-cost sensors depend on specific network standards, such as NB-IoT, for data transfer. During the webinar, COMPAIR will share recommendations for minimising disruption to citizen science in cities where the necessary IoT infrastructure is lacking. Finally, the webinar will show how the integration of diverse data sources, including traffic counts, into citizen science can lead to a more holistic policy impact assessment.

This is the second webinar in a series of three, organised by COMPAIR to help cities unlock the science. 

Compair webinar series
COMPAIR webinar: Digital innovation in citizen science (3)

While access to citizen science data is no longer an issue as many initiatives publish this information publicly, the limited analytical capacity and cross-domain nature of existing tools means that the true value of citizen science data remains unlocked. The webinar will present four advanced applications developed by COMPAIR to help people better understand citizen science data and make informed decisions based on facts. The Policy Monitoring Dashboard shows live data and changes in traffic and air quality before/after a policy measure was introduced. The Dynamic Exposure Visualisation Dashboard measures air pollution while a user is on the move. The Dynamic Exposure VIsualisation App uses Augmented Reality to visualise air pollution in the user's immediate surroundings. And last but not least, the CO2 Calculator estimates an individual's carbon footprint and simulates actions necessary to achieve Green Deal targets.

This is the third webinar in a series of three, organised by COMPAIR to help cities unlock the science.

Netwerkdag 2022
Netwerkevenement Save the date: Citizen Science Netwerkdag 2024

Op 12 september vindt onze Citizen Science Netwerkdag weer plaats! We organiseren de netwerkdag dit jaar in samenwerking met FaroHistories en het Africamuseum. Net als bij de vorige editie kan je je verwachten aan een inspirerende keynote, een reeks boeiende praatjes en workshops over verschillende aspecten van burgerwetenschap en een gezellige netwerklunch. 

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