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In order to prepare our cities for a long-term post-pandemic recovery, new ways of working, living and learning are to be developed. This summer school aims to explore the potential of in-between spaces/places in this regard. Hybrid spaces, spaces in transition, boundary zones, places that are not (yet) defined, are in a state of becoming, yet to be built… will serve as the main topic and context of encounter throughout our one-week workshops-series. 

Scivil will take part as a keynote speaker at this event during the session on collaborative city-making on Wednesday Sept 15th at 12.30. 

Brussels Sprouts

Participants will be involved in field trips, discussions, key-note lectures, co-creation ateliers and will explore the potential of in-between spaces as caring, inclusive and transformative places allowing engaged citizens and professionals to cope with pressing urban challenges in a collaborative manner.

The summer school will offer an experimental playground where diverse urban actors can inspire one another and initiate processes of collaborative city- making. The USquare-site (Etterbeek) serves as our home base. Participants will explore needs and challenges, produce scenarios and tools for working towards desirable urban futures, in and beyond the Brussels context.

Sounds interesting? Find more information and register on the webpage.

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