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open science unesco
Workshop How to integrate CS into (open) science policy?

In response to the need identified by UNESCO to support countries who seek to develop policies in open science to society, there will be a hybrid workshop on 5 October 2022 to share the experiences from those countries/regions who have already recognised the value and power of science working in collaboration with their communities.

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Workshop Your Right to Privacy Online: CSI-COP's informal education workshop

A Coventry University led EU-funded project ‘Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance – CSI-COP invites members of the general public, including teachers, parents, privacy advocates, journalists university students, web and app developers to attend a half-day informal education workshop ‘Your Right to Privacy Online’. The workshop will explore privacy, data, how we are tracked online, the regulations to protect our data, and free online tools to help us reject tracking in websites and apps.

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Workshop Save the Dates: Grace final webinars

For almost three years, GRACE project partners have worked towards implementing fundamental institutional change in 6 research performing and funding organisations. With an intense mutual learning programme and a co-creation environment, six expert partners have supported six other partners in developing a set of specific RRI-orientated Grounding Actions in their organisation. These actions have provided a basis for developing tailored 8-year RRI Roadmaps within these institutions to ensure their sustainability and full implementation over the long-term.

As the project comes to an end, project partners will share their findings and provide stakeholders with useful knowledge to implement RRI in research performing and funding organisations by organising a set of eight thematic webinars.

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Workshop YouCount Webinars on Citizen Social Science with young people

Young people in Europe are facing many challenges with regard to social inclusion. Social participation, employment, social belonging are important examples. There is a pressing need to develop more knowledge and innovation to create more inclusive and youth-friendly societies. One way to contribute to this is Citizen Social Science with young people - Youth Citizen Social Science (Y-CSS). The Youcount project organises a series of three webinars to discuss central questions of Y-CSS and to create a network of interested people.

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Workshop Webinar: Citizen science – tools to achieve a real impact on policy-making

This workshop will present key outcomes and lessons learned from projects that have successfully responded to various H2020 calls on improving air quality and urban mobility in European cities and reducing their carbon footprint, by enhancing citizen engagement. The findings will highlight the most successful strategies for engaging citizens in the transition to green smart cities, ranging from informing and consulting, to involving, collaborating and empowering, to enable the EU Green Deal transition. Register for the workshop here.

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Workshop Workshop series: Common challenges in citizen science

We believe that the most educational and inspiring way to learn about citizen science is to interact with other enthusiasts. After the success of our previous workshops on common challenges in citizen science, Scivil and Stickydot are organising a series of four thematic workshops in a similar format.

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Workshop Let's Talk Science

The Science Communication Summer School 'Let's Talk Science' taks place from 5 until 7 July. Scivil will facilitate the workshop 'Design your own citizen science project'. 

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Workshop EuropaBON Stakeholder Workshop

The EU-project 'EuropaBON' organizes a workshop for stakeholders from 26 until 28 May. The goal is to create a ​​roadmap for monitoring biodiversity.

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Workshop Integrating Citizen Science at Universities: From ‘What’ to ‘How’.

A two-day workshop on the what and how of citizen science projects for universities and research libraries. 

Workshop Online workshop: common challenges in citizen science

We're bringing together citizen science actors to exchange experiences, succes stories and challenges in an online workshop. The workshop is aimed at citizen science project initiators and coordinators and will be guided by Stickydot.

The workshop will take place in English on Zoom on May 10th from 10:00 to 12:00. Participation is free, register here

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